CK-CARE Studies
CK-CARE conducts studies to answer scientific questions and develop approaches for the prevention and treatment of allergies and neurodermatitis. Through studies, samples (blood, tissue and skin swabs) and data are obtained, which are processed and stored in the CK-CARE database and biobank.
The ProRaD study, a Prospective Longitudinal Study to investigate the remission phase in patients with neurodermatitis and other allergy-associated diseases such as asthma, food allergies and allergic rhinitis, shall help to improve the understanding of mechanisms that influence the course of neurodermatitis and accompanying allergic diseases. It is an observational study, which takes place once a year over a period of 5 years with the volunteers.
The CARE study (Children, AllerRgy, Nutrition and Environment) provides information and samples from children who are still healthy to the CK-CARE database and biobank The progress of these children – they are recruited from birth – will be followed up after inclusion in the study and observed for at least 3 years. The close monitoring allows to observe the development of allergic diseases in a way that was not possible before.